Monday, May 13, 2024
Assalam Alaikum Wa Rahmatullah Wa Barakatahu

You get authentic information about Islam here, so that you have the chance of knowing what Islam really is. Please have the patience to carefully read the pages and compare the information you get here with whatever you had thought about Islam previously. If required, you can supplement your knowledge with further reading of the Original Sources of Islam and other books by scholars who have studied Islam in depth and live in Islam. If you as an outsider, observe those people who call themselves Muslims, you may not see much of Islam in them; or their life may misrepresent Islam, as in the case of the followers of any other religion, for that matter. If you want to study what Christianity is, you go to the great scholars of Christianity as well as to the Bible, the Holy Book of Christianity. So also in the case of Islam, where you need to get information about it from the most authentic sources. Then only can you judge Islam as well as Muslims as to how they really compare with the followers of other religions, or how they fare in their observance of this Great Religion.

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