Saturday, May 11, 2024
Assalam Alaikum Wa Rahmatullah Wa Barakatahu

How to Quiet Your Mind: 10 Helpful Strategies to Get You Started

10 Techniques for Creating a Quiet Mind

There are many techniques that can aid in creating a quiet mind. Below are some of my favorite methods:

1. Meditation

The process of quieting the mind is an experiential one which involves becoming comfortable having “no thoughts” happening at least for a short period of time. The technique of meditation will help take your mind to quieter and quieter places over time.

Of course, the “thought hurricane” will likely intensify when you first start practicing as repressed emotions and thoughts often come up during meditation sessions. The mind will become quieter, however, if meditation is practiced consistently.

There are many ways to meditate and there is no “right” or “wrong” way. The majority of approaches, however, have the following elements in common: 1) Sit in a quiet place, 2) close your eyes, 3) be still, and 4) let go of mental chatter.

2. Mindfulness

The practice of living fully in the present moment during all waking moments is the goal of mindfulness practice. Of course, this is an aspirational goal.

A key to moving closer to this goal is to continuously bring attention into the present moment, whenever you become aware that your attention or thoughts are drifting into the past or future.

3. The Release Technique

This technique involves learning to recognize when your mind is active, out of a desire for wanting approval, wanting control (wanting to change things), wanting safety and security, or wanting to figure things out.

Ultimately the mind quiets when you learn to let go of ‘wanting’ or ‘lacking’ thoughts and feelings – the big three being wanting approval, wanting control, and wanting safety or security. All this thinking only drains energy and takes away attention from the present moment.

4. Learn a New Skill

The practice of learning a new skill requires mental focus and is virtually impossible with too much mental chatter. This process can help train the brain to be in a state of awareness without thought.

5. Do a Repetitive Task

When you do a repetitive task, you provide the mind with the opportunity to focus on one thing at a time, as well as to see where the mind goes when focus is taken away from the activity.

6. Listen to Classical Music

This type of music literally calms your brain. As a plus, the more you focus on it, the less you will dwell on other thoughts. The type of music most likely to help you relax is classical music, but any type of music you enjoy is great.

7. Breathe Deeply

Take slow deep breaths, paying attention to each breath you take. Put your hand on your stomach, feeling how it rises and expands as you draw air in, and fall as you let air out. Taking deep breaths can also relax your muscles and relieve tension.

8. Exercise

In addition to the physical benefits, even a few minutes of exercise can calm your mind. Exercise releases endorphins, substances that make you feel good and can improve your mood and sleep.

9. Help Someone

Doing something nice for others takes the focus off of yourself and thus can help reduce mental chatter. It also helps lower your stress levels and may even boost your immune response.

10. The Mind Quieting Question

A final way to quiet the mind is to ask yourself the question:

“Is what I am doing now aligned with my goals?”

If yes, then one can be at peace, meaning fully present and focused while engaging in the activity, recognizing that thoughts of the past or future are distractions unless they help you get the job done better.

This is because when you are fully engaged in the present, the mind is in its most powerful state.

 Compiled, edited and adapted by khalid Latif
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