Thursday, July 04, 2024
Assalam Alaikum Wa Rahmatullah Wa Barakatahu

1) Beware of procrastination.2. When ignorance becomes widespread

In the name of Allah, the Most-Merciful, the All-Compassionate

"May the Peace and Blessings of Allah be upon you"

Bismillah Wal hamdulillah Was Salaatu Was Salaam 'ala Rasulillah

As-Salaam Alaykum WA-Rahmatullahi Wa-Barakaatuh


1) Beware of procrastination, for it is one of devil’s strongest weapons – Ibn al Jawzi

Devil’s Deception of People by giving them High Hopes (of living long)

Many Jews and Christians contemplated joining Islam, but Iblis convinced them to procrastinate saying: “Do not rush, look more into the issue.” Until they die as non-Muslims.

He also causes the sinner to procrastinate seeking repentance. A poet said:

“Do not rush into committing a sin,
and then procrastinate repenting.”

Iblis makes those seeking righteousness feel lazy, and he causes those who are serious to procrastinate. He convinces a jurist to rest instead of going over his lesson again. And convinces a worshipper who had woken up to pray at night that he still has a lot of time.Iblis tries to make people lazy procrastinators, and to make them have hope (of a long life). A disciplined person must take advantage of time, and never procrastinate. That which is feared can never be trusted, and that which passes can never be brought back again. The main reason for doing less good and more evil is relying on the hope of a long life, this is because a person continues to pro­crastinate performing good deeds and refraining from evil deeds.

He who hopes to wake up in the morning will not do much at night, and he who hopes to travel during the day will travel much at night. However, he who sees death to be near works hard during his life. Allah’s Messenger (Sallallaahu alaihi wa sallam) said: “Perform prayer as if you were departing.” [1]

Some of the Salaf said: “Beware of procrastination, for it is one of devil’s strongest weapons.”

A disciplined person prepares for his journey, while a procrastinator doesn’t. So when it comes time to travel the disciplined person feels happy while the procrastinator feels that he is in trouble. This is how people are. Some are alert, so when the Angel of Death comes they do not feel guilty. Others are not disciplined, so they feel the agony when it comes time to travel.

If procrastination is part of your nature then repelling it becomes difficult. But when one knows that he has a persistant enemy he will always be on guard.

We ask Allah to give us safety from the enemy’s cunning, the devil’s fttnah’s and the evils of ourselves and the dunyd. Indeed He is near and responsive.

[1]  Musnad Ahmad, 5/412, Bukhari in al- Tarikh al-Kabir, 3/2/21 6 and lbn Majah #41 71 .

Source: From the Excellent Book “The Devil’s Deception” – by Ibn al Jawzi, English Publication

2) When ignorance becomes widespread, sorcerers, soothsayers, devils and so on increase and cooperate with one another

 “When Shaikh Abdullah Al-Qar’aawee1 came to our region, many people were suffering from illnesses; they were bed-ridden and couldn’t get up. And what was this due to? It was due to the Jinn and so on and so forth. They would go out and come across the Jinn at night in trees and upon the roads and so on, and the devils would take over them. This is because they were ignorant. They didn’t have any understanding of Tawheed.

So when he (i.e. Shaikh Al-Qar’aawee) came and spread Tawheed, not ruqyah or anything else, may Allah bless you, all of these things came to an end. All of these (possessions and illnesses) came to an end once Tawheed and knowledge spread. When Tawheed and knowledge spread, these things go away and come to an end. And when ignorance becomes widespread, sorcerers, soothsayers, devils and so on increase and cooperate with one another.

So I advised him to do as the good doers in the past did, which was to call to Tawheed and wage war against shirk and false superstitions such that the devils left them and they had no need for people to perform ruqyah on them from devils, sorcerers or anyone else….”

From the excellent book (published by al-ibaanah)The Rules and Etiquettes of Ruqya, by Shaikh Saalih Aalush-Shaikh p.37-39

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