Sunday, October 06, 2024
Assalam Alaikum Wa Rahmatullah Wa Barakatahu

Fatawa of the Scholars: Mixed education

In the name of Allah, the Most-Merciful, the All-Compassionate

"May the Peace and Blessings of Allah be upon you"

Bismillah Walhamdulillah Was Salaatu Was Salaam 'ala Rasulillah

As-Salaam Alaykum Wa-Rahmatullahi Wa-Barakaatuh


Fatawa of the Scholars: Mixed education

1) Question: Muslim women and their daughters in western countries where there are Muslim minorities face very difficult circumstances in that education and work are mixed environments. We are caught between two possibilities. Either we cut-off our provision, stay at home and beg and as a result sink to a very desperate material condition, or, alternatively, wear our Islaamic hijaab and study and work in those societies which do not differentiate between mixing and separation. What is your esteemed opinion concerning this matter? Response: Concerning this very crucial issue, I believe that it is obligatory for a Muslim to patiently adhere to and persevere with Allaah's religion and not to be of those whom Allaah describes, saying: {And of mankind are those that say, "We believe in Allaah." But if they are made to suffer for the Sake of Allaah, they consider the persecution of mankind as Allaah's punishment}, [Soorah al-'Ankaboot, Aayah 10]. A Muslim must be patient and if it is not possible to gain a livelihood except by what Allaah has forbidden, namely through the mixing of men and women, then this livelihood must be abandoned and another sought from another direction or from another country. Was Allaah's land not vast enough for you to emigrate therein? This is also true with respect to seeking knowledge. How good it would be if the Muslim minorities could establish their own schools based on the religion of Islaam, where boys and girls are taught separately. If that could be achieved it would be a great blessing. It is not possible, however, for us to permit the mixing of the sexes because of the seriousness of the issue and the level of temptation contained therein.
Shaykh Ibn 'Uthaymeen
al-Aqalliyaat al-Muslimah - Page 74, Fatwa No.14

2) Mixed education Question: Many Islaamic societies suffer from the problem of mixed education between boys and girls, which they have inherited from the time of colonisation or from the practice of copying western civilisation. What are the dangers of mixed education and how can we rid ourselves of it. Response: There can be no doubt that there is great harm in mixed education and that it is a threat to the modesty, chastity and character of both men and women. Islaamic countries must, therefore, abandon it and provide separate education for men and women. This subject has been dealt with at great length. We have written about the subject whatever Allaah willed and other eminent scholars have also written about it. It is part of our religion and it is incumbent upon the Islaamic countries to segregate education so that both men and women are taught separately. This is obligatory both in universities and other institutions. The way to achieve this is for the Muslims to stand together and to cooperate in demanding this segregation. If they are sincere they will succeed, inshaa.-Allaah. We said previously, that it is necessary for those responsible in Islaamic Countries to work together and cooperate with the people responsible for Muslim minorities in order to ensure that education is not mixed and that both boys and girls are taught separately. This is necessary to protect everyone from iniquity, immorality and temptation. If this does not succeed and a country does not respond, then Muslims should pursue the matter themselves and spend whatever they can from their own wealth to establish a university where segregation of men and women can be implemented. In the same way, if there is no response from the state to their demands with regards to other schools, the Muslim minorities must do what they can by collecting money that has been generously donated for the Sake of Allaah. They must give generously and spend until there are Islaamic schools, institutions and colleges that are not mixed. This is their duty, and Allaah will ask them concerning it on the Day of Resurrection if they have been negligent. Allaah (Subhaanahu wa Ta'aala) says: {So, by your Lord, We shall certainly question them all concerning what they used to do} [Soorah al-Hijr, Aayah 92-93] The duty of the scholars is to encourage the wealthy to contribute in this matter. They must encourage them to establish segregated schools, institutions and colleges in order that there might be a far and wide reaching effect in benefiting the Muslims, both male and female, and in protecting them from mixing, which their enemies are keen to encourage. And there is no power, no strength except with Allaah! Shaykh Ibn Baaz
al-Aqalliyaat al-Muslimah - Page 32, Fatwa No.6 3) The Ruling on Studying in Mixed Universities in Order to Call to Allaah
Question: Is it permissible to for a man to study in a university in which men and women mix in one place, bearing in mind that the student has an active role in calling to Allaah?
Answer: It is my view that it is not permissible for a person ý man or woman ý to study in mixed schools; this is because of the great danger to his modesty, reputation and morals, because a human being, whatever may be his reputation, morals and innocence, if there is a woman sitting next to his chair ý and especially if she is beautiful and revealing her beauty ý is unlikely to be safe from temptation and evil and everything which leads to temptation and evil is forbidden and is impermissible. So we ask Allaah , Most Glorified, Most High, for our Muslim brothers that they protect them from such matters as these which bring nothing but evil, temptation and corruption to their young men. And if no other university is found except this one, he should leave his studies in order to study in another country in which there is no such mixing. So I do not consider it permissible, although someone else might hold another opinion. Shaykh Muhammad bin Saalih al-`Uthaymeen
Fatawa Islamiyah Vol. 5 Page 163 

Arshad Khan.
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