Saturday, May 18, 2024
Assalam Alaikum Wa Rahmatullah Wa Barakatahu

Being compassionate and sensitive to others

In the name of Allah, the Most-Merciful, the All-Compassionate

"May the Peace and Blessings of Allah be upon You"

Bismillah Walhamdulillah Was Salaatu Was Salaam 'ala Rasulillah

As-Salaam Alaykum Wa-Rahmatullahi Wa-Barakaatuh

"Being compassionate and sensitive to others".

There are many inconsiderate and selfish types of people who are 'out' there. Examples to illustrate:
1. Asif knows that Hassan is going through divorce, it has come to his attention. On meeting Hassan at a wedding table, he intentionally puts salts on his wounds by saying, "Hey Hassan, how are you? Why you so sad? What’s wrong with you? Where is bhabbi?".
Here, Asif already knows that Hassan is going through a very bad and rough time, but is simply being arrogant by acting as if he doesn't know and making Hassan feel embarrassed in front of others who are on the table.

**Remedy : Asif should simply cheer Hassan up and talk about something that will cheer him up. Not intentionally highlight him in front of others. Knowing the facts already, he is intentionally causing more hurt to Asif. Intention from the heart must be questioned by us all at all times.

 2. Ayesha knows that Humera hasn't being doing well academically. Ayesha knows that Humera has always been weak in academic studies.
She meets Humera in the city centre and intentionally asks:

 "Oh, how did you get on in the exams? How many 'A's and 'B's to did you get?.
Ayesha knows that Humera probably didn't even achieve one 'A' but is simply trying to have a good giggle at Humera's expense.

**Remedy : Ayesha shouldn't even mention the exams. She should just talk about something else and general conversation. She should make Humera feel respected and honoured no matter what.

 3. Imran started a new business and invested a lot of time and money in the business. Unfortunately, it was not a success. The business failed. Kashif knows the amount of money Imran put in and how so much effort was put in.
Kashif meets Imran at a conference and says : "So, what happened to your business? How much did you lose? How much ? Omg? So what happened??????"
Here Kashif knows the facts already, but is simply putting salt on Imran’s wounds and enjoying a laugh at his expense.

**Remedy : Kashif should question his intentions. Is he  asking Imran from a compassionate view or  laughing at his loss? Can he help Imran to become uplifted and give him hope? 

4. Siama has failed her driving test 4 times. She is very upset and has lost all hope. Mehreen, her cousin, knows this. Mehreen thinks Siama is dumb!
Mehreen meets Siama at the shopping centre and says :"How are you? So, how’s driving? Passed yet? Not seen you on the road yet. Have you sat your test yet?"
Here, Mehreen already knows Siama has failed her test 4 times, but is intentionally asking the question and making Siama feel quite upset.

**Remedy : Mehreen should not even mention driving to Siama , as she already knows Siama has failed. She should keep quiet and pray that Siama will pass insha'Alllah. Duas go a long way.

 5. Bilal made an error during the Salah. An elderly uncle has noticed this. What does the uncle do? When the Imaam has finished the congregation prayer, Uncle says in a loud voice:
"Bilal, you came in late, and missed a rakaat, And you completed the salah with the Imaam? Your salah is incomplete! Look at this young generation, !How old are you???"
Here the Uncle is raising his voice in front of the congregation and making poor Bilal feel embarrassed and equally upset.
**Remedy : Uncle should have quietly whispered in Bilal’s ear:
"Son, come to the back of the prayer hall, I need to tell you something! Just a few minutes of your time please"
To summarise, if we are not considerate and compassionate towards others personal feelings, if we try to put more salt on their wounds, then, we ARE accountable for our actions in front of Allah swt. This is not the manner and etiquette of a Muslim who follows the teachings of the Prophet Pbuh.
The wrath of Allah swt could fall on you. Never ever laugh at anyone's downfall. Allah swt is watching.Show love and compassion to your brother and sister in Islam- always.
The Prophet (sal Allahu alaihi wa sallam) said, “Allah has revealed to me that you should humble yourselves to one another. One should neither hold himself above another nor transgress against another.” [Sahih Muslim]Commentary:
To treat each other humbly, leniently and lovingly is understood as humility.
One, under this principle, is also required not to despise anybody on the basis of wealth, social distinction and lineage. Moreover, one should also not adopt an unkind attitude towards others.
Besides, if Allah has bestowed honor on somebody, he is supposed to be grateful to Him, instead of behaving disrespectfully towards people and subjecting them to unkindness and tyranny.And Allah knows best!

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2) Weekly SMS/Text Message to Send To Each Other:

 THE TEST OF THE RICH:The test of the rich is how humble they remain as they gain wealth & how grateful they are to the Almighty who is the sole Owner of all wealth.This gratitude is displayed by increasing acts of worship, obeying commands of Allah & abstaining from prohibitions.The humility is gauged by the attitude towards fellow human beings, the manner of spending, the ability to fight off the urge to have a say in everything, dominate & control solely due to the amount of wealth we have.This test ends either when we become poor once again or when we die leaving behind whatever we had amassed for our heirs to fight over.Beware of the dangers of this great test.May Allaah protect all of us. Aameen.






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