1)Perseverance ...2) Reaching the Summit of Faith

In the name of Allah, the Most-Merciful, the All-Compassionate


"May the Peace and Blessings of Allah be Upon You"


   Bismillah Walhamdulillah Was Salaatu Was Salaam 'ala Rasulillah

          As-Salaam Alaykum Wa-Rahmatullahi Wa-Barakaatuh


1)Perseverance for the sake of God



The stories of the companions of the Prophet (may Allah be pleased with them) are full of inspiration. Narrations describing their sufferings should soften our hearts and encourage us to not only value their sacrifice but also tolerate hardships for the sake of Islam  .

One of the companions known for his suffering in the early days of Islam was Khabbab bin Al-Aratt, a young man from the Banu Tamim tribe of Najd (may Allah be pleased with him). He was brought to Makkah as a slave and was purchased by a Makkan woman called   Umm Anmar who placed him as an apprentice with a blacksmith to learn sword making. Khabbab excelled in the art and earned the woman many riches  .

When the Prophet (peace be upon him) began his mission, Khabbab promptly heeded the call and became either the sixth or seventh person to embrace Islam. Prior to the divine command to migrate from Makkah to Madinah, Khabbab would suffer untold hardships due to his beliefs  .

Since he was not from Makkah and had no tribe to support him, the torture he underwent was tremendous. When Umm Anmar came to know of his relationship with the Prophet (peace be upon him), she would visit him at his workshop and brand his head with a hot iron rod  .

Umm Anmar’s brother, Siba’a bin Abdul Uzza, was — along with a group of ruffians — given the task of punishing Khabbab who would be made to put on steel armor and lie in the sun to sweat. Very often he was made to lie flat on burning sand, something that caused the flesh on his back to waste away. While torturing him they would call on him to renounce the Prophet and pledge allegiance to their deities. Khabbab would, however, remain firm in his belief in the One Allah, the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) and reject their pagan deities  .

During his caliphate, Umar (may Allah be pleased with him) once asked Khabbab about his sufferings. He showed him his back, at which Umar said, “I have never seen such a back before.” Khabbab then said, “My body was dragged over heaps of smoldering charcoal and the blood and fat coming out of my back would extinguish the fire  .”

In spite of his hardships, Khabbab remained firm in the faith. He would often visit other companions, including Fatima (the sister of Umar bin Al-Khattab) and her husband to teach them the Qur’an. Abu Bakr (may Allah be pleased with him) eventually purchased him and granted him his freedom  .

Khabbab fought alongside the Prophet (peace be upon him) in the Battle of Badr and in the Battle of Uhud where his tormentor Siba’a bin Abdul Uzza met his end at the hands of the Prophet’s uncle, Hamza (may Allah be pleased with him  ).

It is said that toward the end of her life, Umm Anmar was afflicted with an illness that would leave her suffering terrible headaches. Her relatives sought medical help and were told that the only cure was to cauterize her head — this was done using a red  -hot iron  .

It is said that when Islam spread and territory after territory came under the influence of the Muslims, Khabbab would weep and say: “Allah seems to be compensating us in this world for all our sufferings and perhaps nothing would be left for us as reward   in the hereafter  .”

This noble companion died in 37 AH during Ali’s caliphate and was the first companion to be buried in Kufa. Ali (may Allah be pleased with him) once passed by his grave and said, “May Allah bless and show mercy on Khabbab. He embraced Islam willingly. He emigrated with great pleasure in Allah’s path, and spent his whole life in striving and suffering for Islam. Blessed is the person who is mindful of the Day of Judgment, prepares for his reckoning, remains content with very little of this world and is able   to please his Lord  .”

Pleasing Allah was the companions’ greatest achievement — this was their sole purpose of life, something we should all endeavor to achieve. Let us take inspiration from them, value their sacrifice and tread in their steps in fulfilling the command of Allah whose realm has no end  .


  “ Blessed is the person who is mindful of the Day of Judgment, prepares for his reckoning, remains content with very little of this world and is able to please his Lord.” – Ali (r.a)




2) Reaching the Summit of Faith




Doing the following things elevates one’s faith to the topmost point:


1. To show patience [Sabr] in the face of all that Allah has decreed,

2. To be content with [Ridha’] Divine will and predestination,

3. To put your full trust [Tawakkul] in Allah,

4. To submit [taslim] to Him completely.) [Abu Nu’aym]

Now let us clarify them briefly one by one:



One cannot perform a commandment or abstain from a forbidden action without having patience. When our Master the Prophet was asked what faith was, he replied, “It is patience” (Daylami). Patience is bitter, but its fruit is sweet.

It is stated in three hadith-i sharifs:

(The place of patience in faith is like the place of the head in the body.) [Daylami]

(Allah will be pleased with a servant who practices patience.) [Daylami]

(He who has patience and Ikhlas [sincerity; doing everything for Allah’s sake] will be awarded Paradise.) [Tabarani]

In addition to them, it is declared in the Qur’an al-karim:

(The patient will be rewarded without measure.) [Az-Zumar 10]

(Give glad tidings [of My Bestowal] to the patient!) [Al-Baqarah 155]

(Vie with others in showing patience!) [Al-i ‘Imran 200]

Hadrat Khidr said, “I have attained ‘ilm al-ladun [hidden knowledge related to divine secrets] thanks to my patience in avoiding sins.”


Contentment with Allah’s will and predestination

Displaying complete contentment upon what comes from Allah is a great blessing for a person. In connection with this topic, the following hadith-i sharifs say:

(Being content with Divine predestination is a sign of felicity.) [Tirmidhi]

 (He who does these three things will have the qualities beneficial to him both in this world and in the next: contentment with Divine predestination, patience in the face of disasters, supplication in times of ease.) [Daylami]

(He who does these three things will become one of the forty awliya: contentment with Divine predestination, forbearance in avoiding forbidden things, and feeling hatred for the sake of Allah.) [Daylami]

(These three things are signs of faith: showing patience in times of adversity, being thankful for blessings, and being content with Allah’s predestination.) [Ihya]

(Allahu ta’ala declared: If anyone is not content with My predestination and decree and disapproves of them and is not patient with the disasters that I send, let him look for another Rabb besides Me!) [Tabarani]

The following prayer was reported to be one of the best prayers, “O my Lord! Make me one of those who are content with Your predestination and decree, who endure patiently disasters coming from You, and who render their gratitude for Your blessings.”


Reliance on Allahu Ta’ala

To have Tawakkul [putting your trust in Allah] is fard. As a matter of fact, it is stated in the Qur’an al-karim:

(If you have faith, put your trust in Allah.) [Al-Ma’idah 23]

(If a person puts his trust in Allah, He is sufficient for him.) [At-Talaq 3]

(Allah likes those who put their trust in Him.) [Al-i ‘Imran 159]

The highest grade is to win Allah’s love. “Hasbiyallah” means “Allah suffices for me.” When Hadrat Ibrahim was put on the catapult and was about to be hurled into the fire, he said, “Hasbiyallah wa ni’mal wakil,” and he was saved. Allahu ta’ala declared to Hadrat Dawud: “If a person gives up hope of everything and puts his trust in Me only, I shall certainly rescue him even if all the beings on earth and in heaven strive to harm and deceive him. However, if a person puts his trust in a creature instead of Me, I shall impede all the causes of his success but facilitates all the causes of his failure” [Ibn ‘Asakir].

Do not lean against a tree, for it withers; do not lean on man, for he dies.


Submission to Allahu Ta’ala

Submission means being a slave and serving with utter faithfulness and obedience. Submission to Allah means being a slave to Him and being ever ready to do all His orders. In fact, the meaning of the word Muslim is “a person who has surrendered to Allahu ta’ala.” Submission is ordered in the Qur’an al-karim, too:

(Say: “We have surrendered only to Allah.”) [Al-Baqarah 136]

(Perform salaat in submission to the Lord of the worlds.) [Al-An’am 71-72]

Bilqis, the queen of Sheba, expressed her faith as follows: “I have submitted to the Lord of the worlds” (An-Naml 44).

Those who put the foregoing into practice will reach the summit of faith.

Compiled, edited and adapted by Khalid Latif, ed-tabligue