Wednesday, May 15, 2024
Assalam Alaikum Wa Rahmatullah Wa Barakatahu

Visualization( Meditation)

Visualization( Meditation)

To see is to believe. One has to believe in order to achieve.                              These wise proverbs relate to manifesting abundance in our daily lives.

This involves experiencing concrete and unlimited success in your workplace, in your home and in the love department.                                                       You will find that you will be on the way to living the life you have always dreamed of.  Visualization is considered as one of the best, and probably easiest, ways to manifest abundance..So do not be afraid to visualize.,                                  if you desire to go on a vacation, picture yourself already there.Better yet, cutout magazine pictures, brochures and other materials that will depict your ultimate vacation. Then, lay these pictures out or arrange them to form a collage. Look at this collage often. You might also want to consider doing this as you visualize other things - a fancy new car, your dream house or a promotion at work.

When you visualize, really feel, taste, see, hear and smell everything involved in the scene your mind has created.                                                               This is the abundance you have built. As a consequence, you will be attracting the same positive energy from the universe.  Always remain positive.Make believe that the life you are living right now is one that is truly abundant.Start off by being grateful for every blessing that comes your way. Make it a habit to be thankful for even the simplest act of kindness that you have received.When you are consciously manifesting abundance, you are telling the universe all the things you want in life.                                                                The world is similar to a catalogue and all you have to do is to pick out the items you desire the most. The universe will serve you in all that you desire.     You will attract the things that your thoughts and your mind are completely focused on.

 Courtesy: Elm Belle <This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.>                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    

Compiled,edited and adapted b y Khalid


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