8 Ideas For Random Acts Of Kindness Day

“Be a rainbow in someone else’s cloud.”
—Maya Angelou

Kindness comes from a place deep within, a place that shines our inner light outward and brightens someone else’s path. I believe we are all in this world to assist each other; to be of service; to bring more joy, love, and meaning to our lives; and to move along our paths with intention and mindfulness.

Let’s mix it up a bit today with Random Acts of Kindness Day, and instead of “randomly” doing something that is compassionate or thoughtful, we make it a point to approach all of our acts of kindness with purpose and meaning! Here are some ideas:

  1. Use the “magic” words. When spoken with gratitude, the words “please” and “thank you” can go a long way in making someone really feel appreciated. Use these words often throughout your day and watch how others brighten up.
  2. At the store, let someone waiting in line behind you take your place at the checkout register or maybe help someone with lots of shopping bags to the car. There are plenty of opportunities, so set this intention, keep your eyes open, and be ready to give others a helping hand.
  3. Prepare and share lunch with one of your coworkers or friends, making a special effort to prepare something you will both enjoy. It doesn’t have to be a surprise. Giving a heads-up that you would like to share a special lunch is a really kind idea!
  4. Listen with focused attention during your conversations with others, offering thoughtful words of encouragement, praise, or feedback. Sometimes, no words are needed, but giving your complete attention and just being a sounding board is one of the kindest things you can do.
  5. Notice what stands out about someone and offer a heartfelt compliment if it comes naturally. There’s no need to force a sincere compliment! So, if something strikes you as special, don’t be shy about sharing your observation.
  6. Be generous with your smiles. A smile is a gift you can give again and again to as many people as you encounter throughout the day. You may even find the gift of smiles returned to you!
  7. Do a chore that is usually someone else’s responsibility in your household or at your place of work. If it’s a really big job, lend a helping hand. Doing things together makes difficult tasks a breeze!
  8. Practice patience and compassion throughout the day if you encounter people who you find “annoying” or frankly are not so kind! We know intimately that when someone cannot take the time to be polite, there is usually something difficult going on in their lives. So don’t take their rudeness personally and try to be understanding.

When we really pay attention and stay in the present moment, we will see that there are many opportunities throughout our daily lives to be kind to others, to treat them with gentleness, sincerity, patience, and benevolence.

When this is what we put out there into the world, we will experience more kindness in our own lives from others as well as from ourselves. I love the following quote by Amelia Earhart, and it is the perfect one for our day of kindness . . . and every day!

“No kind action ever stops with itself. One kind action leads to another. Good example is followed. A single act of kindness throws out roots in all directions, and the roots spring up and make new trees.”